Live Safe in Panama - Working together to protect our community
Mark Heyer: co-founder of Fundacion Alto al Crimen
Live Safe in Panama - Working together to protect our community
- How did Alto al Çrimen reduce crime in Boquete?
- Prevent crime before it happens
- Understanding the types of crime
- Community crime prevention methods
- Newcomers guide to safety in Panama
- Renters checklist
- Law enforcement in Panama
- Getting help when you need it
- How not to become a crime victim
- Four steps to crime proof your home
- Cheap technology to keep you safe
- How can I participate in community safety?
Event Information
Event Date | 09-02-2024 11:00 am |
Event End Date | 09-02-2024 12:30 pm |
Capacity | 80 |
Registered | 75 |
Available Place | 5 |
We ask for a $2 donation to the Library | We ask fopr a $2 donation to the Library |
Location | Boquete Library |